Friday, August 27, 2010


We were fortunate enough to be able to go to Platoro, Colorado with our good friends, the Wilkins. The drive to Colorado was not so bad. We left in the evening and drove through the night. The drive back was a disaster. We left during the day. It took an extra 6 hours on our drive back. WOW! don't want to do that again! Platoro was spectacular. The temperature was in the 40's at night and 60-75 degrees during the daytime. BEAUTIFUL! We stayed in a wonderful cabin with the Wilkins. We hiked, the boys fished and we rode UTV's through the country to a lake. The kids had a wonderful time just playing outside of the cabin. Evan and Ella stayed in the same room and it has made them closer. they now play together more often and are more kind to each other. It is great! The only disadvantage to Colorado is that the air is so dry! Everyone's noses were a little bloody. We had a great time making dinners for everyone and eating everyone else's dinner. Dan's brother and family and his mom and step dad were there, also. I had a great time playing cards with Shelby and Rachael and an especially great time playing Spades against Marc and Dan! I love the pic of Marc and his hamhocks! Hope you enjoy the pics!

Hello, People!

Well, it has been such a long time since I have posted! A great deal has happened since the last blog. Marc and I have been very blessed to have the family God has graced us with! I am blessed to share our lives with you all! Evan is 3 years old now, Ella is 2 and Erin is almost 3 months. Evan is such a boy. His favorite thing to do right now is wrestle (thanks to daddy!) and he is my social bug. I would say butterfly, but if you say that if front of him he would scowl and say, "I am not a butterfly!" He calls Ella a delicate butterfly. He loves to talk, ride his tractor and play with his new neighbor Ethan (who is also 3). He also loves to play with his long time friends that we see every week (schedules permitting!) Ella is my delicate flower. One needs to handle her with gentle hands or she will wilt. By wilt, I mean, she will throw the biggest fit you have ever seen! When she is happy the day is beautiful, just like she is. Ella is my stunt woman. She will be crawling on the ceiling like Spiderman if you are not paying attention! I believe she has had at least 7 bloody noses and who knows how many head injuries and 1 swollen/bruised eye! Most of the time if she cries after an accident, it is because she has dropped her toy or something insignificant like that, not because she is hurt. She gets into EVERYTHING! Just yesterday, I had to pry a potty seat off her head! Now, that's funny! I should have taken a picture. Now, Erin. God has had mercy on us with Erin. Not only is she beautiful, but she is my most content, laid back baby! She has had no issues with sensitivities, skin issues, diet. She hardly ever cries and she has been sleeping at least 9 hours at night since she was 5 weeks. She is starting to smile and coo. I forget how cute this stage is! Marc and I have started a weight lifting and nutrition program. Marc is looking REAL good! Not that he didn't before! Momma needs to get this belly down! Anyway, hopefully I will keep this blog up! Hope everyone enjoys!