Thursday, September 23, 2010

Fun, Fun, Fun!

This post is just for misc pictures, mostly.  Evan started Karate.  He loves it.  I know he will do well!  Erin is starting to sit with us at the table.  She is now sturdy enough to sit in a Bumbo.  Time is going by too fast!  I just love when the kids try to help me with my chores!  Although, more times than not it creates more work, but we are having fun!  I really need to get Evan's haircut, because he is getting creative with his hairstyles!  I just love being home with my children!  I don't think there is ever a dull moment!  Praise you, God for this time that I am able to spend with them!  Thank you, Marc for working so hard to allow me to stay home and for providing for us!

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